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Summer 2024 Kicks Off With "Dock & Dine" Contest

As the month of May begins to conclude, GA Gerstein prepares for the next season with a new contest. For the remainder of May, the organization's salespeople are battling for a summertime experience known as "Dock & Dine"

What is "Dock & Dine"?

Insurance professionals within the GA Gerstein organization are frequently rewarded for their performances each month. During the summer, they can expect a new prizes at the top of their wishlist. Enter "Dock & Dine".

This yearly tradition sees a select amount of top producers set sail on the Shrewsbury River for a day full of good food and sunshine. While aboard the boat, qualifiers typically use the opportunity to sharpen their sales skills, bouncing ideas and questions of one another.

The First D&D Contest of 2024

Five lucky contestants will find themselves dining on the river. The top two highest producing insurance agents for the remainder of the month will automatically earn their seat. The remaining three contestants will be deteremined through a random drawing. In order to be entered in the raffle, contestants must write a minimum of $1500 in business before the end of the month.

Working remote? Not going to be in the area when it's time to set sail? No problem!

Anyone who qualifies for the trip but is unable to attend will receive a $100 gift card to Uber Eats or DoorDash so that they may partipcate in their own D&D in the comfort of their own home.

Bets of luck to all of GA Gerstein, we hope to see you on the water!

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