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Win Week 2024 Recap

Win Week 2024 has just wrapped up and there is a lot to unpack.

Our organization pushed for a record-breaking week in production, a fun-filled prized was on the line, and numerous people choose this opportunity to made a name for themselves.

But Wait...What is "Win Week"?

Win Weeks are all about hitting goals and making strides. At the start of each one, our agents cast out their vision of how much production they want to write in the next seven days. Through teamwork, grit and determination, agents hold each other accountable to hitting their marks.

The point of a Win Week is to remind ourselves why we do the job we chose to do. Our team strives to ensure the protection of as many families as possible. During a time like this, members of our organization lean on each other to dig deep and solidify the safety of a family's future. Just one more appointment, just one more call, just one more presentation. That's all it takes.

What's In It For Me?

Those who reached their target goal of weekly production can expect a few prizes with their name on it...literally.

First, a specialized plaque recognizing their achievement during Win Week will be awarded to them.

In addition, an invite to the winner's barbeque will be waiting for them. Hosted by one of our organization owners, the barbeque is the perfect place to pick the brains and network of with fellow winners while soaking up some sun.

National Recognition

With all our agents combined, our Win Week production landed GA Gerstein second among all other Globe Life organization in written business.

Winners Announced

Win Week concluded with a veteran and rookie producer coming in first place for their respective categories.

With over $12,000 in net production, Srini Y. took him the gold amongst all our agency's veterans, while brand new agent Jake W came in first place for all rookies with just over $10,000 written.

Congratulations to our winners and to everyone who exceeded their own expectations. Win Weeks are defined by you. As long as you set that goal and give it your all, you can consider that a win in your book.

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